"Irish Dances" replaces the notebook every irish dancer keeps in his or her pocket during ceili.
Every dance will be described : set dances, but also next ceili dances and two hand dances.
Dances are described with two levels :
- an abstract (the main parts) for all the figures,
- detailed lines for each figure (the rhythm, who dance, what, how long...).
If possible, a video is also available for each figure.
Actually, 218 dances are listed, 62 are summarized and 37 dances are detailed.
When new dances are published, an indicator appears and you just have to update freely your database (in settings menu).
For fun, click on "Just danced it !" (during workshop, ceili or demo) to immediately show where are irish dancers on a world map.
If a dance is not yet detailed (or if you find error), please send us a mail.
"Irish Dances" will soon provides more functionnalities to help dancers and to share our pleasure to irish dance !